Jennifer Ashton, a physician, author, and TV medical commentator, is a well-known American who has a net worth of $8 million.
In April 1969, Jennifer Ashton was born at George Air Force Base, California.
She is the Chief Women’s Health Correspondent for ABC News and Good Morning America.
Ashton writes for Cosmopolitan Magazine as a columnist.
The Drill’s first Chief Women’s Health Correspondent was appointed to her.
Ashton was chosen as one of the doctors to attend to female Olympians in the Team USA Medical Network’s Oz Show in 2016.
She received a medical degree from Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2000.
At a private medical practice in New Jersey, she is a board-certified Obstetrician & Gynecologist.
Ashton is the author of The Body Scoop for Girls: A Straight Talk Guide to a Healthy, Beautiful You, Your Body Beautiful: Clockstopping Secrets to Stay Healthy, Strong, and Sexy in Your 30s, 40s, and Beyond, as well as Eat This When You’re Expecting, Not That: Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods For Every Stage of Pregnancy.