Felix Dennis, a wealthy British philanthropist and publisher, has a net worth of $300 million.
The net worth of Felix Dennis was established by him starting his own business, Dennis Publishing in the UK.
After being born in Kingston-upon-Thames in 1947, Dennis left Harrow College of Art to join an R&B band.
Although he began his career as a street vendor for the underground counter culture magazine Oz in 1971, his career path does not involve music.
After being promoted to co-editor of a magazine that featured left-field stories, drug discussions, sexual content, and controversial political stories, Dennis was imprisoned in the same year. He then founded his own magazine publishing company, Dennis Publishing, in 1973, and earned millions of dollars with his first computer and hobbyist magazine in the mid 1980s.
Today, Dennis Publishing is still a privately owned company, with offices in London and New York City.
The Week, Auto Express, Maxim, Men’s Fitness, and Computer Shopper are some of the lifestyle titles that the company has added to its portfolio.
A Glass Half Full and Lone Wolf, two poetry collections, were written by Dennis, who was also a published poet.
His hobbies include planting trees and spending leisure time in his homes in Warwickshire, London, New York, Connecticut, and the Caribbean island of Mustique.