Reichart Von Wolfsheild Net Worth

Reichart Von Wolfsheild Net Worth

Reichart Von Wolfsheild Net Worth, Birthday, Birthplace, Age, And Bio

Net Worth:$15 Million

Reichart Von Wolfsheild, an American inventor, technologist, and artist, has a net worth of $15 million.

Reichart Von Wolfsheild developed an interest in computers at a young age, and he built his first CPU from scratch in his early teens.

His career has been characterized by long-lasting success in both the realms of art and technology.

In the early 80s, he started working for MTV and contributed to the development of music video technology.

Soon after, he established his own company that concentrated on Artificial Intelligence development. He has contributed to the creation of various video games, including the first modern multi-player game.

He has created various items such as toys and weapons.

He has worked with a range of clients including Disney, Boeing, Dreamworks, and Mattel.

The History Channel program “Invention USA” features him and Scotty Ziegler as co-hosts.