A Swedish Assyrian film director named Josef Fares has a net worth of $3 million.
In September 1977, Josef Fares was born in Beirut, Lebanon.
His sibling, Fares Fares, is an actor who has starred in several of his films.
The films Jalla! Jalla! in 2000, Kopps in 2003, Zozo in 2005, Leo in 2007, Balls in 2010, Ganstaz n Cash in 1996, and Kom Da! in 2003 were all written and directed by Josef Fares.
The documentary short Hockey Model and the video game Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, both directed by Fares, were released in 2008 and 2013, respectively.
Josef Fares has been the recipient of 11 awards and has been nominated for seven more.
In 2007, he acted in the film Leo, which is also starring Fares Fares, the brother of Josef Fares.
Zero Dark Thirty is among the films that feature Fares Fares in their cast.