Roy Garber Net Worth

Roy Garber Net Worth

Roy Garber Net Worth, Birthday, Birthplace, Age, And Bio

Net Worth:$800 ThousandGender:MaleProfession:Actor

An unaffiliated shipper, Roy Garber appeared on the A&E reality TV program Shipping Wars and was compensated with $800 thousand.

Alligator catching, a niche business, was one of the ways Roy Garber’s net worth was established.

He gained a reputation as a “jack of all tradesman” on Shipping Wars for shipping unusual and unconventional items to and from various parts of the US.

With his company, Arbie’s Team Transport, he became one of the highest-earning workers in the shipping industry.

Along with his son Travis, who had accompanied Roy for all 18 years of his young life, he managed the business.

Roy’s interests extended beyond shipping, including deep sea fishing and scuba diving, and he spent a significant portion of his time exploring undersea life while stranded on the gulf coast of Florida.

He had a business that specialized in home remodeling to supplement the income he earned from shipping unusual items around the USA.

He was one of the more captivating and memorable characters on Shipping Wars.

Regrettably, Roy Garber passed away on January 19, 2014, due to a heart attack.

He was 49 years of age.