Yildirim Ali Koc, a billionaire hailing from Turkey, is a multimillionaire.
Yildirim Ali Koc, the third generation son of Yildirim Ali Koc, is the head of Koc Holding, the largest company in Turkey.
With a 30% increase in Koc Holding’s stock price over the past year, he has once again become a billionaire.
He attended Harrow School in London after graduating high school and later obtained a B.A. degree.
He completed his studies in Managerial Studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and then pursued a Master’s degree at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Following graduation, he worked for several companies in the States before returning to Turkey to join the family business.
He started his career as the Chief Executive of the information technologies division of the holding and has since taken on the role of Chairman of the Board at Ford Otosan.
He was appointed in 2012 to take on the role of his father Mustafa, who had been in charge for 40 years.
Nevbahar Demira is the spouse of Yildirim Ali Koc, who is a father of two children.