Dmitry Korzhev Net Worth

Dmitry Korzhev Net Worth

Dmitry Korzhev Net Worth, Birthday, Birthplace, Age, And Bio

Net Worth:$1.1 Billion

The net worth of Russian businessman Dmitry Korzhev is $1.1 billion.

Dmitry Korzhev started his career by selling cars with a friend named Dmitry Troitsky.

Mega-Auto, which was founded in 1993, is now one of the biggest car dealers in St. Louis.


The couple established Multon, a juice manufacturing company, two years later, and later sold it to Coca-Cola for $500 million some 10 years later. Korzhev and Troitsky founded O’Key in 2001, and they have since taken over Neva Rus, an Armenian metallurgy company, since 2007.

The Russian supermarket chain O’Key Group was listed on the London Stock Exchange by the two namesakes in the fall of 2010.

In early 2013, the supermarket chain had a market capitalization of $3 billion.

In addition, Sagamar, a new ore dressing company, was launched in late 2011, with a $94 million investment.