Emanuele Filiberto, who belongs to the House of Savoy, is of Italian descent.
The net worth of Emanuele Filiberto is $100 million.
He is most famous for being the Prince of Venice. Emanuele Filiberto was born in Geneva, Switzerland in June 1972.
He is the child of Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples and Marina Ricolfi Doria.
Filiberto is the only male grandson of Umberto II, the last King of Italy.
Umberto awarded Filiberto with the title Prince of Venice, even though he identifies as the Prince of Piedmont.
He is also known as Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia.
He spent his childhood in exile in Italy.
Upon his return, he started making public appearances, including appearing on the reality TV show Dancing with the Stars in Italy.
The year 2003 saw him wed Clotilde Courau.
The unresolved conflict of the House of Savoy’s leadership is being overtaken by Emanuele Filiberto as the next in line.